Crossing fingers, toes, arms, etc…

After a two week hiatus for the holidays my writing group met back up tonight. Finally. It’s been so weird to just go home after work instead of to the library. Can’t tell you how many sentences I’ve had to re-type because “He opened the door” became “He opened thekhsdklh” when my dog dropped his toy on my laptop. And good news! One of the writers published her book recently and brought in a few copies to sign and sell. She’s been working on it off and on for three years but said she was only able to finally finish it because she joined my group. I even got a shout out in the acknowledgements. Aww! I feel like a proud mama bird watching a baby fly out of the nest. Now we’ll see if the others catch on or if I’ll have to put my foot on their keesters and push. Mama loves ya, but really wants to turn your room into a sauna.

In movie news… Lots of people in the movie group say they want to write but it’s like pulling teeth to get them to actually do it. But I can’t really say anything because I used to be one of them. It’s nerve wracking to write for any audience. But to write something that will be filmed in living color and displayed on a giant wall is scarier than the time I rode with my mom down a steep mountain road in an ice storm before the town realized that, hey, there’s this wacky new invention called guard rails. (Seriously, back in the day they used tree stumps painted silver. They were constantly tipped over. Snow drift or no snow drift, I’m walking.) But tonight I got an email from a guy who was not only was the lead actor in our last movie but helped write it. He wants to pitch in and act/write again! (Say that out loud fast, it sounds funny.) Smart move for him because he can help steer his character into whatever he wants to play. Smart move for me because I’d get the help I need on the script and get to tick TWO jobs off my list. Crossing everything I can in hopes that that it’ll actually work out.

About wakewriters

Hello all, I'm Jennifer, an aspiring novelist/filmmaker. I run writing groups here in Raleigh, NC, under the name Wake Writers for novels and screenplays. I've worked on smaller film projects before but this year I'm taking on my biggest role yet: To be a producer/director/screenwriter on a mock reality show about Santa Claus to be released first as a weekly webseries and later as an hour long movie. So.... yeah. This year is going to be a crazy bumpy ride as I learn all the things about what it really takes to make movies. Oh the things I don't know yet.
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