Wait, I have how much time left? Argh!!

I can’t believe half of January is gone already. Really starting to feel the time crunch, but that’s mostly because I accidentally cut off a month of prep time. What?! Yup. The plan was always that we needed to start shooting in March. But looking back, that was counting on starting at the end of the month. I didn’t realize that when I started saying we were shooting at the beginning of the month. Big difference. *face palm* Oy. Since it’s a Christmas themed show, we should film while it’s still somewhat winter, which means closer to February, not April. But that may become a moot point as winter may not happen here. I mean, it’s January and I walked the dog the other night in nothing but a long sleeve t-shirt. Oh, well, and some pants. I don’t know the neighbors THAT well. We’ll have to wait and see how all the other prep goes I guess.

But for some good news, I finally nailed down people, place, and a time to meet and have our first real script meeting. Whoo hoo! Rick and I have been bouncing emails back and forth since mid November and it’s just not working for me anymore. We can hammer out in one hour of face time what it’s taken us two months of emails to do. From the start I’ve wanted to have an interactive audience even though, yes, this is a mock reality show and not a real one. And I think I’ve figured out how to add the fan vote! Which means there needs to already be a social media presence in place so there’s a start of an audience when we release the videos. And to that we say, hello Facebook and Tumblr. Together with Twitter and Word Press, it’s pretty much the same info across all the platforms, it’s just up to the people out there in internet land as to how they want to connect. *taps on screen* Hello? Hellooooooo…. Is this thing on?

Talked with the other director in the movie group and the editor about what I need to look for in a camera person, so I’m feeling a little better there. Still looking for the right person. After this weekend I’ll know more of what we need in terms of locations and props so I can begin that search in earnest next week.

So all in all some nice movement this week. A small snowball has been formed and rolled down the mountain. Let’s see what we pick up along the way.

About wakewriters

Hello all, I'm Jennifer, an aspiring novelist/filmmaker. I run writing groups here in Raleigh, NC, under the name Wake Writers for novels and screenplays. I've worked on smaller film projects before but this year I'm taking on my biggest role yet: To be a producer/director/screenwriter on a mock reality show about Santa Claus to be released first as a weekly webseries and later as an hour long movie. So.... yeah. This year is going to be a crazy bumpy ride as I learn all the things about what it really takes to make movies. Oh the things I don't know yet.
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